Jubblies pads are 100% bamboo, washable, soft, absorbent, and fashionably fun.

Jubilant Bundle of the best breast feeding pads
Jubblies understands you
Jubblies was founded by artist and mum Ivy Parker, who lives with her husband, two children, and multitude of animals in West Sussex, England.
Breast pads that work for all breastfeeding mums.
“I founded Jubblies because breastfeeding is something with which I have personally struggled. Many aspects of breastfeeding can feel overwhelming, even for those mums who are fortunate enough to quickly overcome early challenges like latching.
Just consider for a moment that if you breastfeed for a year, you can anticipate spending 1,800+ hours holding your child to your breast and producing approximately 1,300+ litres of milk! Further, as I discovered, the leakage struggle is real. Breastfeeding mums should expect to leak milk in between feedings, when they hear a baby crying, or if it is close to a time your baby would normally feed.
Also, while your baby is nursing on one breast, the other will leak – this is because your let-down reflex happens in both breasts at the same time. The bottom line is that breastfeeding mums should expect to wear nursing pads for at least a few months and, much like terrible underwear (we all have a few pairs we inexplicably hold on to), nothing is more irritating than being stuck with uncomfortable nursing pads scraping against your already sore nipples or bunching up beneath your bra.
With Jubblies, I take pride in having developed a product for mums that meets five points of review: comfort, absorbency, sustainability, affordability and design. The Jubblies Standard, as I’ve named this quality control process, can be linked to for consumer transparency and education.” - Ivy Parker
Ivy has a passion for trying to improve mum's lives and believes that her maternity wear breastfeeding pads will make a difference in yours.
How many do I need to buy?
Our general recommendation for practical purposes is to start out with seven pairs of Jubblies: this will allow you to have one or two pairs in the wash, three pairs available throughout the day, one spare pair in the nappy bag and one in the car in case of emergencies.